A trailer actuator is a braking system which is installed between a trailer and the vehicle towing it, for the purpose of applying the brakes on the trailer's wheels when the brakes are applied in the towing vehicle. This gives you greater control when you're slowing down, by preventing the inertia of the trailer from using the hitch as a pivot point, and fishtailing out to either side. In addition, the A-60 series features an electrical reverse solenoid that ensures the brakes will not engage when you're backing up. To protect the solenoid from damage, it's fully covered by a housing. The A-60 series of actuators can be used as a substitute for A-70 and A-75 models of couplers, and they can be used on either single axle or double axle trailers. To keep you safe, they comply with both Australian Standards AS4177.3 and New Zealand Standards NZS5232. Actuator models in the A-60 series have been specifically designed to be used in marine environments. The internal parts are plated, and the master cylinder is solid aluminium, which resists corrosion. Your order comes complete with a breakaway cable kit, reverse lockout, and a new pin.